Thursday, December 31, 2015

Last night of the year. Lets wrap up those loose ends.

Right, It's the last night of the year... I'm going to be returning to this blog and adding whatever I need to wrap up after the new year begins. including some recents pics and pics of tonight. 

Here is my afternoon before picture: 

last night was alright. lol it was fun to get dressed and go out with one of my bestie's, Jessica, but we had higher expectations. lol it could have been worse. Besides, this year is going to be too amazing to care about the fact that we didn't have as much fun as we wanted. lol But we got some amazing pics out of it! <3

Us getting ready for the 007 Theme NYE party.

In the car on the way there:

contemplating why girls spend so much time getting ready for a whole bunch of nobodies. lol

When we got there, and realized that we get ready for ourselves.. lol :

Our kiss poses. lol

When I got home and realized this is where I belong:

I just wanted to add my Christmas/ Kate's Grad Party pictures. :)

Carmen Sandiego Christmas

Congratulations, Kate!

Anyway I have had some crazy dreams the last couple of nights, but last nights (the first night of the year) I had a dream that I was pregnant (among other weird things) and that usually symbolizes new beginnings, growth, and new ideas and stuff.. so I think I'm pretty well in tune of the new year. It's gonna be a great year! I couldn't be more excited for a year in my life. I would have never seen all this coming! <3

<3 Madgkul The Mad G, Funky Lee, Ginger Lee, Dreamer, Spy, Mover & Shaker

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

New Year... New... SLOGAN PLEASE!

Ah, the new year is right around the corner! 

It's tomorrow actually. 

Check out this picture from my friend Kate's graduation party! It was such a wonderful night! You'll have to excuse my friend's facial expression, I don't think he was ready! :p 

My friend came over last night and helped me turn my room into a place where I can think and be productive and at the top of my game. I can't thank her enough. It was a greater gift than anything money could buy, and is basically my new secret weapon for KILLING the new year! 

I'm ready for the new year. I didn't know it until the end of the year started to come around, but I have prepped for this year all year long. I have worked very hard and stayed on tracked, stayed focused, and tried my very best to nurture all of my branches of life, and maintain a well balanced life. I could not be more satisfied with how this year has turned out to be, especially after what the last few years have been like. I could not have dreamed to be where I am now as a person, (obviously not economically or financially, but personally.)

So for this new year, I'm imposing some new challenges on myself that are slightly more difficult and require more determination than the things I accomplished last year, and If I can keep up my positive attitude, and my morale, there is no doubt in my mind that this year will reap twice the benefits of last year, and last year was amazing. 

This year is going to take a little big more out of me, but I really think I'm ready. Be on the look out for Flash Back Friday's post to catch up on my trip to Thailand! There are some pretty good revelations in there and some food for thought. 

Food for thought: 
I had to stop and ponder on something recently... How do I feel about homeless people not being able to panhandle around businesses?

I only ask myself this question because it's hard to take away all of the weird factors of society out and look at what is truly happening while a homeless person is panhandling. Now, I understand that nobody wants to be faced with someone uncomfortably in their face asking them for some spare change, especially when they're out having a good time, rewarding themselves for all the hard work they've put in during the week. I understand all of that... But I think it's much deeper than that. I couldn't really put my finger on it, but something bothered me about that a little. Just a little. A twinge of injustice. I know that it's uncomfortable, especially when you always have to say no because you're a broke college student waiting for a late disbursement from your financial aid and only get paid minimum wage to work less than 25 hours a week. It's one of those things you just accept, because it's comfortable, and from the surface seems like it all makes sense and that there isn't a hint of crazy about that mentality. But something told me to think about that for just a second longer. SHOULD we be facing them face to face in your time of leisure? Are they parasites? Are they unfortunate souls? Are they leeches? Are they bums? The thing is, and the reason why this question is so hard to answer is... They are individuals. And every individual comes complete with their own set of morales, issues, blessings, and curses. You just never know who is going to appreciate your last dollar, and who is going to use it to self medicate the symptoms of a disease that our society has caused them. And who is fit to help these people? And why is there a time and place for homelessness? Are we hiding from our sick, and needy because we don't want to face the fact that even though we are 7 billion strong, and have a surplus of resources, we still have hungry, and homeless men, women, and children, mostly due to the civil apathy that plagues our lives? Most people have an apathy for their own life, so it doesn't surprise me that they show much indifference to others' lives. Even as someone who has a lot of sympathy for the homeless, I can't help be feel uncomfortable in situations when I feel like I am forced to confront another human being's dire issues of life. A life that without a place in society is meaningless to many. I struggle to fathom the lowest points of a person's life that they might wish upon themselves even more destruction that they might find another 20 minutes worth of peace in a life that has in turn become meaningless in their own eyes. I have never been that person. I will likely never understand it. Not every person who is homeless is like this, because as I said they are individuals, but there are a great many that are homeless because another facet of our society (drugs and alcohol) has taken over their lives. I think they problem is.. these demons attack souls that have not been cultivated to withstand life without aid. That is a tragedy. It is a tragedy that people who had so much potential weren't cultivated to that potential and weren't strong enough to prevail in the hard circumstances that they have come across throughout life on their own, and did not have the support of the right people who could have shown them their own worth... But who is a lost cause, and who is worth helping? When is it okay to be homeless? Where is it okay to be homeless? Anyone can be homeless... but nobody can do it alone. It takes a village. It takes a village to CREATE homelessness, and it takes a village to ALLOW homelessness to exist, and it takes a village to PREVENT homelessness... and it starts with cultivating the PERSON... not a dollar, not just food... you need to bless these people with an ear, with knowledge, with opportunity. The rest is just surviving. These people don't just deserve a safe place to sleep and food in their stomachs, they're not cattle, they need lives worth living. Every body does. But homeless people are the most obviously failed by our "village". I can't tell you what is right, or what is wrong, or what we should do, or how to fix it, or what to think, or what to say to a homeless person, or what is in your heart. I just know that in a moment I questioned the reality that I live in because SOMETHING told me there is something a little off about ignoring a part of humanity.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Caption. Captivate. Captain.

Just like old times.

^ It's Christmas! ^ We're sisters! ^ 

As usual, (though you wouldn't know it,) I abandoned yet another project. Today, I've come to revive it, along with the me that laid dormant since the hiatus of this blog began. You see, I tend to bite off more than I can chew, or lose interest in a project due to a wide array of distractions. I dropped this project as quickly as it began, it seems. I managed to update my blog up until about the time that I met someone who would end up distracting me from all the world. That particular "situationship" lasted until last year. (Oct 2014.) 

Today marks the last week of 2015. I have been home for a little over a year now. I arrived home in Texas on Nov. 1st, after making a stop in New Orleans for a week. (Wait till you see that flashback!) This year has been one steady, positive, uplifting, amazing year for me. I can hardly think of anything that seemed to bring me down at all this year, and I have a feeling 2016 is going to be just as amazing, productive, and positive, if not more so... I will chronicle the "whys" of this shortly--but first! 

I will sum up a lot of the happenings that went on between my last post and today's, and then soon, I will create "Flash Back Posts" (Maybe on Fridays :P) where I will post pictures and videos of the major events from the last few years along with retrospective commentary. 

Here goes nothing... or um... everything! (Caution: This might be visually unappealing or boring image-wise, but the content is pretty much straightforward and mildly interesting.) 


About 4 years ago?!
Upon leaving Benicia, I visited my family on my mom's side in San Pueblo, just outside of San Fran, and then visited my dear friend, Amarah, while in San Fran, and stayed there for 7 days. I couldn't stay much longer. I drove a huge truck packed to the brim, and those hills, and the cramped spaces were just not allowing me to make the most of my time there. I will have to go back some day and try again. (The first day, I broke my right rear-view mirror, and the last day, someone broke my left one...) While I stayed in San Fran though, I visited Baker Beach, (a nude beach! -- I'll upload the story on that on the next post, I promise!), I performed improv stand-up comedy for 5 minutes at Dirty Tricks on 4th of July, and well, I had a great time, but it was hard to have the BEST time with Rusty, and the truck. I would learn that San Fran is just not the place for that. I couch surfed one night, and then was on my way.

After I left San Fran, I traveled down highway 1 (completely missing Big Sur for no other reason than the fact that I was distracted by everything else... I was NOT the seasoned traveler that I would become at this point in time). I stopped with the intention of staying one night in Santa Cruz, before heading out in the morning. I ended up sleeping on the cliffs that night. It was the most amazing place to park and sleep. You can see it in that film about the boy that died as a surfer that was filmed there. (I think it's named Max something.) I was there while they were filming that, actually. 

I met a boy in Santa Cruz that night, and decided I'd stay a while. I went home to Texas, after passing through Santa Barbara to see a friend of mine for lunch, before heading back through Phoenix. (Peyton was still an only child at this time!) I had told him that he could always call me if he needed a travel buddy, since he'd never really traveled before, and he was under the impression that I was brave instead of naive and adventurous! Ha! 

About 3 Years Ago

^ In the Land of Thai ^ 

About 6 months after coming home to Texas, he asked me if I wanted to go to Florida. He met me in Texas, and we drove to Florida. We wanted to kill each other by the end of that road trip. LOL. Sometime during that year, things were getting rough for us, but my mom asked me to visit Thailand, and Laos with her, and of course, I obliged. How could I not? There were many amazing events that occurred, many self-realizations during that visit to Thailand and Laos. (Can't wait to post those flashbacks). I visited Texas both on the way TO Thailand, and also on the way back FROM Thailand. I was revitalized. I was changed. I was better. I was happy. Shortly after coming back to Miami, it seemed as though the change wasn't enough to endure the stress that was rather destroying our "situationship" (there's that word again). It quickly faded, so did I, and so did our situation. I then got a new room mate, and moved elsewhere. During that time, I think I was just going through the motions. I had everything I wanted, but nothing I needed. Or perhaps, it was more like everything I needed, and nothing I wanted. Who could discern whether passion for life, creativity, and growth is a desire or a necessity? 

^Nice apartment/Furniture I'm still paying for that I no longer own^

I moved into a really nice apartment with a friend of mine, and during that time, I had my 22nd birthday. I visited my friend Monica in New York for that birthday. Then, shortly after that, I visited Memphis two times (kinda foggy here, maybe just once), with my roommate. Anyway, even after traveling together, and attempting to form a bond, my roommate still left  MUCH to be desired. That quickly failed a few months into my new (totally platonic) situation. It actually crashed and burned in the most ridiculous way imaginable... (I may or may NOT flash back this occurrence. LOL.) 

I then resorted to moving back in with "the boy". It was at this time, things seemed as if it would all make sense. It would all fix itself. It would all be just fine. Not too long after moving back in, was I ready to go home. I was prepared to leave it all behind for many reasons, but none of which worth mentioning today. I was possessed by the urge to leave, and it showed. It created a tension so great it could only become volatile. I left in a flurry, and things ended rather rocky, but I could not help but laugh, smile, cry, scream, and sing the whole ride home. 
^ New Orleans ^

Last Year
I ended up stopping in New Orleans after a quick confirmation from my remote navigator, (Dad). I stopped for lunch and stayed for a week! Are you beginning to see the pattern here? Anyway, I firmly believe that the week that I spent in New Orleans spurred this entire year's positive, productive, amazing, amazing momentum. I would NOT have been strong enough, happy enough, or had enough energy to accomplish all that I did this year if I didn't stop there on a whim, and couch surfed  for that week. I ended up staying there until Halloween, and arriving home on the beginning of the new season! (Nov. 1st) (This flashback is really gonna be something!) 

^ Shortly after making it home from NOLA ^

This Year
I still need to "flashback" on some travels from this year as well, twice to colorado, and once to phoenix, and once to Houston! There will be a lot more for me to go into, actually, for this year, but this is just a recap! <3

^ Colorado^
^2nd trip to colorado with Nami^ 
Having been home a year, EVERYTHING has changed. My perspective, my temperament, my disposition. I am now in school, getting my associates in Science, with the intent to transfer to UTA to get my bachelors in Earth and Environmental Sciences, and possibly a double major in Sustainable Technological Engineering. (That's quite ambitious, lol so we'll see how the engineering goes.) I have also been working diligently on a start-up in the Cannabis Industry for the last 8 months. (Haven't abandoned it yet, don't think I'm gonna!) Earth Right Alternatives

I even started playing the flute again, with the school band, and learning to improv Jazz and blues on the flute AND the guitar! <3 I have picked up good habits like daily planning, a   good attitude, and utilizing a beautiful vision board!  
I have gotten myself back, and added new habits that can only improve my character. I have managed to find a very high happiness base-line and kept it there. I have completely impressed myself with my ability to juggle everything and make new, inspirational friends, and still find time to work on myself daily. My life has meaning, it has creativity, it has structure, and art, and a goal-- several goals! I have very focused, identifiable, and therefore attainable, goals. My stress management experience points is like level 99+. There is so much for me to be proud of for myself this year-- infinitely more things in this one year than I can think of for my entire life thus far. I really owe it to everyone that I have been surrounded by this year that have made it what it is by supporting and encouraging me. I really love you all. <3 I could NEVER have done it alone. 

- I started a book club today, with some awesome like-minded, success-oriented women.
- I started an email for my nephew and niece, and sent them some awesome stuff that they can look at in the future. All of the family members should have the address now, and will hopefully use it to send them nice mementos. 
- I bought the Erin Condren Life Planner and I am beyond excited to implement it and try to work on developing my meal planning and meal prepping skills this month before school starts back up! (there is a wellness booklet for the life planner for meal planning.) I think adding the few extras in the planner will help me really get a grip on each individual day, and like I always say.... a successful week is made up of successful days!
- I caught myself up on the English Dubbed episodes of One Piece.
- I started writing this blog again... 
- I started writing in journals again... 
- I made a symbolic full circle... picking up where I literally left off after meeting my situation. Even though it has been a year since I was in that situation, It is clear that this year was about dedicating myself to letting go of all the trouble it caused me on the inside, and overcoming everything with a smile on my face because I am freakin awesome. It has taken me all year to get back to who I was, and add a little extra icing on the top! And this blog was one of the very first things I sacrificed for that "situationship" (what an ugly word.) and I've spent a year getting it all back. Here I am. I am proud. I am happy. I am thriving! 
- I would NEVER say that I wasted those 4 years, I would say that I learned all the best qualities from the hard situations that will help me maintain the best responses to hard situations in the future. 
- And I am ready for the New Year!!!!

As usual, stay mad! 

Funky Lee, Mad G, All of the Above, All of the Below, Monk, Musician, Artist, Writer, Entrepreneur, Ganjapreneur, Lover of Thyself, Leader, Builder, and the Universe.